| Brief About Centre For African Network (CEFANET) NGO  |

Centre for African Network (CEFANET) is an independent international registered Civil society organization based in Lusaka Province of Zambia. CEFANET prime motto is capacity building, Environmental Sustainability, Empowerment, Advocacy of Civic Matters and services delivery to the deprived and marginalized people of the society.

The following is our mission statement, our vision, and our goal as CEFANET.

Mission Statement “Our mission is to champion a brighter future for Africa by promoting holistic progress across four pivotal areas: advocacy, environmental sustainability, education, and empowerment. We are committed to cultivating a continent where economic development, unity, and social justice reign”

VISION “Our vision is to promote Africa into a future where every individual thrives within a society that champions economic development, unity, and social justice. We see a continent where advocacy, environmental sustainability, education, and empowerment come together to create a harmonious and sustainable way of life, ensuring lasting prosperity and well-being for all.”

OUR GOAL “To foster comprehensive and sustainable development in Africa, where economic development, unity, and social justice prevail, achieved through the seamless integration of advocacy, environmental sustainability, education, and empowerment, creating a harmonious and prosperous society for all its inhabitants”

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Centre For African Network NGO - CEFANET

| The Four Thematic Areas For Centre For African Network NGO |

In a world marked by disparities and challenges, our NGO stands as a beacon of hope and change. Rooted in the belief that positive transformation is not only possible but essential, we present this three-year strategic plan that embodies our unwavering commitment to making a meaningful impact in third-world countries in Africa.As an organization dedicated to Advocacy, Education, Empowerment, and Environmental  stewardship, we understand the multifaceted nature of the issues we address. These four pillars represent the cornerstones of our mission in the three-year strategic plan, each playing a crucial role in creating a brighter future for the communities we serve.

The journey ahead is not without its challenges, but we are resolute in our commitment to overcome them. We understand that success requires collaboration, innovation, and a deep-rooted connection with the communities we serve. With your support and the collective efforts of our team, partners, and donors, we believe that together, we can turn these aspirations into tangible, life-changing outcomes. This strategic plan is not static; it is a dynamic framework that will evolve in response to the ever-changing needs and opportunities we encounter. It is an invitation to join us on a journey toward a world where equity and sustainability prevail, where education unlocks potential, where empowerment fuels progress, and where the environment is preserved for generations to come.


To be a driving force for positive change by advocating for policies, practices, and social norms that promote equity, justice, and human rights in the communities we serve. We envision a world where the voices of the marginalized are heard and where policy changes lead to tangible improvements in their lives. Our advocacy efforts will be guided by inclusivity, evidence-based approaches, and a commitment to amplifying the voices of those we advocate for.


Quality education for all. Our commitment to education in our organization is unwavering. We believe that every individual, regardless of their background, or circumstances, deserves access to quality education. With the generous support of our donors, dedicated volunteers, and collaborative partnerships, we are determined to make this belief a reality. Everyone must have access to education regardless of where they are coming from.


Empowerment is one of our major thematic vision area of focus where empowerment is not limited by gender, age, or circumstance, but is a fundamental right for all. We aim to foster a culture of self-reliance, entrepreneurship, and leadership that enables individuals to create sustainable livelihoods, break cycles of poverty, and become catalysts for positive change in their communities.


Our vision is World where communities coexist harmoniously with their natural surroundings, valuing and protecting biodiversity, and adopting eco-friendly practices. We aspire to create lasting change through community-driven conservation efforts, raising awareness about environmental issues, and advocating for policies that prioritize environmental protection and sustainability.


In the heart of rural communities across our countries in Africa, there exists an abundance of untapped potential, resilience, and hope. Yet, these communities, home to men, women, and children, remain ensnared in the web of poverty, inequality, and a lack of opportunities that deprive them of even the most basic necessities of life.
As a dedicated civil society organization, our mission is to harness this untapped potential, empower these communities, and usher in a brighter future. We firmly believe that every individual, regardless of their geographic location or circumstances, deserves the chance to live a life of dignity and opportunity










CEFANET basically works mainly for the poorest of the poor in the rural areas of the countries. Its target groups include the men, women and children in the rural communities of the countries who are still living in miserable conditions and deprived of very basic necessities of life.



Centre For African Network NGO - CEFENATE.
Centre for African Network (CEFANET) is an independent international registered Civil society organization based in Lusaka Province of Zambia.

Welcome to Centre For African Network, a dynamic and multifaceted Non-Governmental Organization committed to fostering an enabling environment for the realization, respect, and protection of fundamental human rights among citizens. Our mission extends beyond advocacy, encompassing diverse sectors such as environment, empowerment, education, and water and sanitation. At cefanet, we strive to develop the leadership qualities of individuals, empowering them to become active contributors within society.


CEFANET is committed to better the lives of people in the third world countries in Africa